Tuesday, 21 June 2011

My Engine

what should i call the collision engine?
I am currently developing an engine for flash, called weEngine for WorldEdit Engine, obviously. It currently consists of two parts, libQ, a rendering system, and QPS (Q Panel System), a debug and windowing system. I know this sounds really messy, and I haven't started the collision engine yet. However, I decided to finish everything, then organize the names and directories. This has always been my problem in development.

I'll start with QPS:

As you can see its really simple right now, there is only a window with a button. The window is fully re-sizable,  and you can drag it around. I really want to make it open source but that depends on whether or not I can finish it.

It's really easy to use, the code I used is:

var w:QWindow = new QWindow();
w.addButton(new QButton());

function update(e:Event)


Next up is libQ, which is really nothing to show, its just the same normal bitmap rendering (Only easier with more functionality). I implemented circle drawing, utils like rotation baking, and with the help of a friend, bressenham algorithms.

That's all for this post, hopefully soon I can show off some nice collision, or a paneling system with more features.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good, I'm looking forward to see where its going :)
